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Following the introduction and enforcement of the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 there are new requirements for Wayfinding Signage for all properties over 18 metres in height, or 7 storeys or more. This is a legal requirement as of the 23rd January 2023.

Find out about Regulation 8 here.

Wayfinding Signage is signage to aid the Fire and Rescue Service to navigate their way around a building in the event of fire. It is not an alternative to Fire Exit Signage – its purpose is to help the Fire Service find their way into a building, not to help you find your way out.


Karntek’s Wayfinding Signage Service

We offer an end-to-end service which includes an initial site survey to define what signage is required, design and production of the signage and then installation of the signage in the correct location in the building.

Not all High Rise Buildings are the same so generic signage cannot be used. There are also various options for design and layout of signage, some of which can be seen on this page. We will tailor the signage to your building and ensure it is compliant with Regulation 8 and Approved Document B.


For more information, please call 0345 0303 803 or email us

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Frequently asked questions

What is dynamic signage?

Dynamic signage is a great but relatively new product which shows where a fire exit route has been cut off due to an outbreak of fire. These can often be found in shopping centres and other large public places which guide people away from an exit route that may be cut off and lead them to another safe exit of the building.

What are the four colours of safety signage? 
  • Red is for fire prohibition
  • Blue for mandatory, i.e fire door keep shut, fire exit keep clear
  • Yellow for caution, i.e caution high voltage 
  • Green for safe condition, i.e fire exit signage, first aid, push bar to open on escape doors
What colour is a fire exit sign, and does it need the running man pictogram?  

Fire exit signage is a green background with white writing. Yes, it should have the white running man with the relevant arrow, up or down, left or right, or for final exits no arrow at all unless there are steps outside the final fire exit.

What is a photo-luminescent sign?

Photo-luminescent signage is used where there is a risk of light failure, and these glow in the dark to direct you to the nearest fire exit.

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